Sustainability Framework

Our Sustainability Approach

Guided by our sustainability vision and mission, CDLHT's Sustainability Framework comprises five core sustainability pillars, which encompass our stakeholders' priorities, drive our sustainability policies and initiatives, and allow us to create the greatest impact across our material ESG issues.

Sustainability Governance

CDLHT ensures sustained progress towards our sustainability goals and ambitions through our governance structure, which ensures the Boards have due oversight of all our sustainability initiatives and strategic imperatives.

At CDLHT, the Boards are responsible for overseeing all relevant sustainability considerations to ensure CDLHT's business goals and strategies are progressing in accordance with the objectives set. The Boards also manage and monitor the material ESG factors and their performance, including those pertaining to climate-related issues such as emission reductions and climate action and resilience. The Audit and Risk Committees ("ARCs") oversee our sustainability processes and strategies, and in particular look after risk management policies and identification of such risks, including those pertaining to climate risk. Management reports to the ARCs and Boards on CDLHT's sustainability efforts and performance progressively during the quarterly meetings and at the end of each financial year end.

CDLHT's Sustainability Working Committee ("SWC") comprises key personnel from various business functions and is led by the CEO of the Managers, Mr. Vincent Yeo Wee Eng. The SWC, overseen by the ARCs, manage and monitor CDLHT's overall sustainability performance and leads the development of strategies that incorporate material ESG factors into daily operations.
